Results for 'J. Gomez Muntan'

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  1.  30
    A critical analysis and a recent improvement of the two-dimensional model for solution–precipitation creep: application to silicon nitride ceramics.J. J. Meléndez-Martínez †, D. Gómez-García & A. Domínguez-Rodríguez ‡ - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (22):2305-2316.
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    Creep mechanism of gas-pressure-sintered silicon nitride polycrystals II. Deformation mechanism.J. J. Meléndez-Martínez †, D. Gómez-García, M. Jiménez–Melendo & A. Domínguez-Rodríguez ‡ - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (31):3387-3395.
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    Between republic and monarchy? Liberty, security, and the kingdom of France in Machiavelli.Cary J. Nederman & Tatiana V. Gomez - 2002 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 26 (1):82–93.
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    Perceptions on the procedures and techniques for assessing history and defining teaching profiles. Teacher training in Spain and the United Kingdom.Cosme J. Gómez Carrasco, Pedro Miralles Martínez, Jairo Rodríguez Medina & Javier J. Maquilón Sánchez - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Studies:1-19.
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    Plutarch and Justin on Aristotimus of Elis.F. J. Gomez Espelosin - 1991 - American Journal of Philology 112 (1).
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    Rank M-type radial basis function (RMRBF) neural network for Pap smear microscopic image classification.Francisco J. Gallegos-Funes, Margarita E. Gómez-Mayorga, José Luis Lopez-Bonilla & Rene Cruz-Santiago - 2009 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 16 (4):542-554.
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    Positron trapping mechanism in plastically deformed magnesium.J. del Río, C. Gómez & M. Ruano - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (5):535-549.
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  8. Problemas en torno a la" Crítica de la razón pura" de Kant. Crónica de un curso extraordinario. Salamanca, 13-15 de julio de 1987. [REVIEW]J. Gómez Pérez - 1988 - Diálogo Filosófico 10:98-101.
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    Creep mechanism of gas-pressure-sintered silicon nitride polycrystals I. Macroscopic and microscopic experimental study.J. J. Meléndez-Martínez †, D. Gómez-García, M. Jiménez-Melendo & A. Domínguez-Rodríguez ‡ - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (31):3375-3386.
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    A systemic view of biodiversity and its conservation: Processes, interrelationships, and human culture.Eleanor J. Sterling, Andrés Gómez & Ana L. Porzecanski - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (12):1090-1098.
    Historically, views and measurements of biodiversity have had a narrow focus, for instance, characterizing the attributes of observable patterns but affording less attention to processes. Here, we explore the question: how does a systems thinking view – one where the world is seen as elements and processes that connect and interact in dynamic ways to form a whole – affect the way we understand biodiversity and practice conservation? We answer this question by illustrating the systemic properties of biodiversity at multiple (...)
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  11. La concepción platónica del amor, según el Lysis.José Luis Gómez Muntán - 1966 - Pensamiento 22 (85):23.
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    Abduction and analogies in linguistic reconstruction inferences.C. Barés Gómez, Á Nepomuceno & F. J. Salguero Lamillar - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    The aim of this article is to analyse the kind of inference used in the reconstruction of proto-languages. Hypothesis is at the core of this reconstruction process and this, together with the structure of reasoning involved, indicates abductive reasoning. We analyse abductive reasoning, and specify its nuances and particularities. The novelty we introduce is the importance of context as we focus on a form of abduction that goes beyond the context in which the scientific work is being developed by incorporating (...)
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    ¿Dios Creador o Dios Juez? Diferencias entre las tres versiones de la carta de Arrio a Alejandro.Guillermo J. Cano Gómez - 2023 - Augustinianum 63 (2):351-366.
    The letter from Arius to Alexander of Alexandria, also known as «Arius’ profession of faith», has been transmitted in its original language, Greek, by Athanasius (De Synodis) and Epiphanius (Panarion). Also, Hilary of Poitiers quotes a Latin translation of the letter twice (De Trinitate IV and VI). The comparative study of the two Greek versions and the Latin translation reveals small textual variants, which points to the independence of the three testimonies. The textual variant (κτιστὴν, instead of κριτὴν) is the (...)
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  14.  26
    Scientific representation and science identity: the case of chemistry.Pedro J. Sánchez Gómez - 2023 - Foundations of Chemistry 25 (3):381-391.
    I put forward an inferentialist account of Lewis structures (LSs). In this view, the role of LSs is not to realistically depict molecules, but instead to allow surrogate reasoning and inference in chemistry. I also show that the usage of LSs is a central part of a person’s identity as a chemist, as it is defined within educational identity theory. Taking these conclusions together, I argue that the inferentialist approach to LSs and chemistry identity theory can be studied in parallel, (...)
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  15. El círculo y el abismo (A propósito de El ser y el tiempo de Heidegger).J. Ezquerra Gomez - 1994 - Estudios Filosóficos 43 (122):49-61.
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    Serrated flow in gold-indium alloys.A. J. R. Soler-Gomez & W. J. Mcg Tegart - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (165):495-509.
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  17. On the Foundations of the Poetry of Life: Gerard Manley Hopkins on Self and World.J. Garcia-Gomez - 2000 - Analecta Husserliana 68:337-356.
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  18.  36
    La polémica Mach-Planck: ¿ni vencedores ni vencidos?Ricardo J. Gómez - 2004 - Análisis Filosófico 24 (1):5-27.
    La polémica Mach-Planck acerca del estado cognitivo de las teorías científicas nos permite llegar a las siguientes conclusiones. No siempre el que defendió las posturas luego asentadas científicamente desarrolló los mejores argumentos en la polémica. Por ejemplo, Planck malinterpretó las tesis de Mach acerca de la imagen científica, sus conceptos y leyes. La postura de ambos estaba fundada en distintas filosofías y, por ende, en distintos sistemas de valores y en modos diferentes de priorizarlos. Hay una relatividad temporal de un (...)
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  19. Categorialismo y error en la filosofía de la ciencia.Ricardo J. Gómez - 1978 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 4 (3):255.
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  20. (1 other version)Lenguaje y elección de teorías: contra la historia oficial.Ricardo J. Gómez - 2010 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 1:31--41.
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  21.  30
    On the Emergence of Islands in Complex Networks.J. Esquivel-Gómez, R. E. Balderas-Navarro, P. D. Arjona-Villicaña, P. Castillo-Castillo, O. Rico-Trejo & J. Acosta-Elias - 2017 - Complexity 2017:1-10.
    Most growth models for complex networks consider networks comprising a single connected block or island, which contains all the nodes in the network. However, it has been demonstrated that some large complex networks have more than one island, with an island size distribution obeying a power-law function Is~s-α. This paper introduces a growth model that considers the emergence of islands as the network grows. The proposed model addresses the following two features: the probability that a new island is generated decreases (...)
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  22. Sobre el concepto aristotélico de ciencia. Reconstrucción y vigencia.Ricardo J. Gómez - 2016 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 5 (6):237--265.
    [ES] ¿Cómo caracteriza Aristóteles a la episteme teoretiké? Aristóteles consideraba a toda ciencia como un sistema S de enunciados que responden varios cánones, por ejemplo, aquellos que se refieren a un tipo o clase particular de objetos, los que son verdaderos, lo que refieren a sus consecuencias lógicas, lo que se aceptan sin definición, y los que que se aceptan sin demostración. Es así que, en este trabajo, por una parte reconstruiré los argumentos que Aristóteles da para sostener dicho sistema, (...)
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  23.  52
    A Further Review of the Incompatibility between Classical Principles and Quantum Postulates.M. Ferrero, V. Gómez Pin, D. Salgado & J. L. Sánchez-Gómez - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (1):125-138.
    The traditional “realist” conception of physics, according to which human concepts, laws and theories can grasp the essence of a reality in our absence , seems incompatible with quantum formalism and it most fruitful interpretation. The proof rests on the violation by quantum mechanical formalism of some fundamental principles of the classical ontology. We discuss if the conception behind Einstein’s idea of a reality in our absence, could be still maintained and at which price. We conclude that quantum mechanical formalism (...)
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  24. Totalidades analíticas: Un eslabón perdido entre Leibniz y Kant.Ricardo J. Gómez - 1991 - Análisis Filosófico 11 (2):133.
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  25. Vigencia del Logicismo.Ricardo J. Gomez - 1984 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 19 (44):37.
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  26. Parole and the moral self: Moral change mitigates responsibility.Javier Gomez-Lavin & Jesse J. Prinz - 2019 - Journal of Moral Education 48 (1):63-85.
    Recent studies demonstrate a moral self effect: continuity in moral values is crucial to ascriptions of identity in and over time. Since Locke, personal identity has been referred to as a ‘forensic’ concept, meaning that it plays a role in attributions of moral responsibility. If moral values are crucial to identity over time, then perceived changes in a person’s set of values may reduce responsibility for past deeds. To test this, we examined the moral self effect in parole contexts. In (...)
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  27. Methodological Issues of Second-order Model Building.Pedro J. Sánchez Gómez - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (3):344-346.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Constructivist Model Building: Empirical Examples From Mathematics Education” by Catherine Ulrich, Erik S. Tillema, Amy J. Hackenberg & Anderson Norton. Upshot: I argue that radical constructivism poses a series of deep methodological constraints on educational research. We focus on the work of Ulrich et al. to illustrate the practical implications of these constraints.
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  28.  21
    En torno a una revisión del logicismo.Ricardo J. Gómez - 1981 - Critica 13 (38):77-95.
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    Más allá de la dicotomía realismo-instrumentalismo.Ricardo J. Gómez - 1995 - Critica 27 (80):97-118.
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  30. Die Interpretation des kantischen Apriorismus in Poppers Frühwerk.J. J. Gomez Tutor - 1989 - Studi Kantiani 2:97-116.
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  31.  16
    Semiotics and the history of social communication.J. L. Gómez Mompart - 1990 - Semiotica 81 (3-4):221-226.
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    Creer para ver: Sobre la teoría de la creencia en Ortega / Believing for Seeing: On the Theory of Belief in Ortega.J. Carlos Gómez Muñoz - 1983 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] (18):75-96.
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    (1 other version)Beltrami's Kantian View of Non-Euclidean Geometry.Ricardo J. Gómez - 1986 - Kant Studien 77 (1-4):102-107.
    Beltrami's first allegedly true interpretation of lobachevsky's geometry can be conceived as (i) pursuing a kantian program insofar as it shows that all the geometrical lobachevskian concepts are constructible in the euclidean space of our human representation, And (ii) proving, Even to kant, That a non-Euclidean geometry is not only logically possible (something that kant never denied) but also mathematically acceptable from a kantian point of view (something that kant would have accepted only after beltrami's interpretation).
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    Transhumanism, Society and Education: An Edusemiotic Approach.Susana Gómez Redondo, Claudio J. Rodríguez Higuera, Juan R. Coca & Alin Olteanu - 2024 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 43 (2):177-193.
    We propose a semiotic framework to underpin a posthumanist philosophy of education, as contrasted to technological determinism. A recent approach to educational processes as semiotic phenomena lends itself as a philosophy to understand the current interplay between education and technology. This view is aligned with the transhumanist movement to defend techno-scientific progress as fundamental to human development. Particularly, we adopt a semiotic approach to education to tackle certain tensions in current debates on the human. Transhumanism scholars share the optimistic belief (...)
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    Respiratory Variability, Sighing, Anxiety, and Breathing Symptoms in Low- and High-Anxious Music Students Before and After Performing.Amélie J. A. A. Guyon, Rosamaria Cannavò, Regina K. Studer, Horst Hildebrandt, Brigitta Danuser, Elke Vlemincx & Patrick Gomez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Hilario de Poitiers, In Mt. 7, 3-5 y la angelología.Guillermo J. Cano Gómez - 2017 - Augustinianum 57 (1):57-79.
    Saint Hilary of Poitiers in his Commentary on Matthew explains the famous scene of the centurion and his servant. According to Hilary, the centurion represents the “prince of the nations,” but he does not explain who this “prince” is because he wants to speak about the servant. However, he gives two references in the Bible for those who want to know who this prince is. The hypothesis defended in this article maintains that the prince is an angel who looks after (...)
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    Two compartmental models of EEG coherence and MRI biophysics.R. W. Thatcher, J. F. Gomez-Molina, C. Biver, D. North, R. Curtin & R. W. Walker - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (3):412-412.
    Studies have shown that as MRI T2 relaxation time lengthens there is a shift toward more unbound or “free-water” and less partitioning of the protein/lipid molecules per unit volume. A shift toward less water partitioning or lengthened MRI T2 relaxation time is linearly related to reduced high frequency EEG amplitude, reduced short distance EEG coherence, increased long distance EEG coherence, and reduced cognitive functioning (Thatcher et al. 1998a; 1998b).
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  38. The Aesthetic Self. The Importance of Aesthetic Taste in Music and Art for Our Perceived Identity.Joerg Fingerhut, Javier Gomez-Lavin, Claudia Winklmayr & Jesse J. Prinz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:577703.
    To what extent do aesthetic taste and our interest in the arts constitute who we are? In this paper, we present a series of empirical findings that suggest anAesthetic Self Effectsupporting the claim that our aesthetic engagements are a central component of our identity. Counterfactual changes in aesthetic preferences, for example, moving from liking classical music to liking pop, are perceived as altering us as a person. The Aesthetic Self Effect is as strong as the impact of moral changes, such (...)
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  39. Democratic Institutions and Practices. Contributions to Political Science.J. J. Gómez Gutiérrez, J. Abdelnour-Nocera & E. Anchústegui Igartua (eds.) - 2022
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  40. ¿qué Entender Por Responsabilidad Médica?J. Gómez - 2005 - Laguna 17.
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  41.  41
    Training on Working Memory and Inhibitory Control in Young Adults.Maria J. Maraver, M. Teresa Bajo & Carlos J. Gomez-Ariza - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  42. The Kiki-Bouba Effect A Case of Personification and Ideaesthesia.E. Gómez Milán, O. Iborra, M. J. de Córdoba, V. Juárez-Ramos, M. A. Artacho & J. L. Rubio - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (1-2):84-102.
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    Comprender el mundo. La valencia hermenéutica del binomio Lebenswelt (Husserl) e In-der-Welt-sein (Heidegger).J. M. García Gómez-Heras - 1992 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 34:285.
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    Centurio, tribunus, princeps en Hilario de Poitiers, in Matth. 7, 3-5: texto bíblico y exégesis a la luz de gnósticos y Orígenes. [REVIEW]Guillermo J. Cano Gómez - 2020 - Augustinianum 60 (1):49-70.
    In this paper we shall examine a few texts by authors who predate Hilary in order to investigate a possible exegetical tradition or interpretative current that could include several gnostic groups cited by Irenaeus of Lyons (II c.), to Origen (III c.) and saint Hilary of Poitiers (IV c.). However, one of the interpretations that Origen presents in his Commentary on saint John is the same interpretation that Hilary gives, but it is more developed. Certainly, Hilary and Origen comment two (...)
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    SÁNCHEZ, F.: Quod nihil scitur.J. Pastor Gómez - 1984 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 19:232.
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  46. Teoría y ensayo: Un estudio bibliográfico.J. Martínez Gómez - 1977 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 4:313-330.
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  47. Los laicos en la Iglesia: las Terceras Ordenes in Los laicos en la Iglesia y en el mundo.J. Alvarez Gomez - 1988 - Verdad y Vida 46 (181):7-29.
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    Induccion a la reproduccion, esfuerzo reproductivo y distribucion de la energia en Euvola ziczac.H. J. A. Gomez - 1996 - Scientia 10.
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    Dissociation of near-screw dislocations in germanium and silicon.A. Gomez, D. J. H. Cockayne, P. B. Hirsch & V. Vitek - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 31 (1):105-113.
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    The Pediatrician's Dilemma: Respecting Parental Autonomy Versus Protecting Vulnerable Children.Michael R. Gomez, Kyle J. Bielefeld, Michelle K. Escala, Ric T. Munoz & Mark D. Fox - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (1):22-23.
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